Natter Jack Social and Digital Republic our sister company specialises in Influencer and Social Media Marketing with a major twist.
As a member of Natterjack you get rewarded for helping brands, local companies, event companies, news and media companies distribute content.
You dont have to have a million followers or be Kim Kardashian, we just need proactive members like you, who would like to promote products, services and news that is important to them.
Our unique platform and team allows us to track your recommendations and social output and with our help you we will support you with a fabulous team of creative talent and account managers to ensure our partners get more from their advertising spend.
In the new era of marketing our members get paid from advertisers to promote products not only on social media, but via there own groups on facebook, whatsapp, and other social platforms.
We believe that by bringing together and sharing the advertising spend with our members gets a better result.
If your interested in promoting, or simply are interested in any of the discounts available every week or perhaps just looking to earn a little extra money then join our growing community today.
We require assistance in promoting products, reviews, market research, testing and promotion every day.
We don't pressure you to promote anything you are not interested in, so you can choose to promote only what your interested in from the humble pub lunch, flights to New York, or the next big thing in toothpaste.
Active new promotions this week
Volunteers help with NatterJack Discount rewards and Growing
Total number of marketing programs in operation.
you can join Natterjack at anytime and start your journey towards great discounts and opportunities.
Working with our team, we will help you get the most from your membership.
Coming Soon
Anyone can join NatterJack if you have only a hand full of followers or connections you can use your talents to promote and help local businesses and get rewarded with free days out, discounted meals, tickets and free stuff.
If you have more than a 100 followers in your community, then we have brands and companies that not only offer discounts but will pay you to help with promotions, and recommendations.
Join us today and get rewarded.